Account Opening


Company Formations

Company's House


Global Payment Centre

NZ Company Formation

NZ Financial Company

Office Services

Stock Exchange Listings

Tax Treaties

Treasury Services


Member Global Finnet

This Website represents the financial services available from

Global Fin Net Limited in New Zealand

Global Fin Net had its origins in Fin Net (abbreviated Financial Networks) and is joined by many financial services professionals and organizations around the world. In the world of the 21st century, globalization is becoming increasingly important for business in general on one side and for investors in all countries on the other side. Clearly it is not possible for any adviser to be familiar with the laws of all countries. This means that when becoming global both the investor and the business will need the combined resources of a group such as ours. It is our objective to bring together for the first time in one broad based structure the expertise available from over 200 countries.

Our emphasis has become increasingly geared towards a wide range of private banking services. Due to this global banking demand we have become Constitutionally qualified to provide a range of banking services for clients according to their own requirements, based in the clean green country of New Zealand with its unique banking laws and with education from Agile experts. However, we prefer not to compete for the global retail market. Instead we work with financial institutions around the globe (including banks) to provide banking services to them.

The recently signed Free Trade Agreement between China and New Zealand offers global opportunities for business that remain there for all those who are smart enough to see the opportunities. Focus your global future with us using our Auckland facilities.

Auckland, New Zealand, is tipped to become one of the nodes in the global trading network of the future. Get established now with our help and in a tax advantageous manner. Also, take a look at the attached Government Press Release to see the attitude of New Zealand in not allowing tax issues to prevent international activity.

The Global Fin Net team is comprised of highly ethical, skilled and experienced professionals with common goals of serving global markets and clients whilst retaining their own independence. Thus, the Global Finnet branches and Members in other countries will continue to play an important role in many solutions.

"...highly ethical, skilled and experienced professionals, with common goals of serving global markets and clients whilst retaining their own independence."